Our history
InSiGHT was formed in 2005 by the merger of the Leeds Castle Polyposis Group (LCPG) and the International Collaborative Group on Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer (ICG-HNPCC). In 2010 it became an incorporated charity in England and Wales.
In 1985 a meeting of experts with an interest in polyposis syndromes was organised at Leeds Castle, an historic castle in Kent, UK. In 1989 the LCPG was formally established.
The ICG-HNPCC was conceived in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1989. In 1990 the first formal meeting of the ICG-HNPCC was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
In 1997 the first joint meeting of LCPG and ICG-HNPCC took place in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. At the third joint meeting in Venice, Italy in 2001 it was agreed that the ICG-HNPCC should merge with the LCPG to form a new society – InSiGHT.
What we do
The International Society for Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours (InSiGHT) is an international multidisciplinary, scientific organisation. Our mission is to improve the quality of care of patients and families with any hereditary condition resulting in gastrointestinal tumours.
We do this by
- Educating physicians and other healthcare professionals in the molecular genetics and clinical management of gastrointestinal hereditary tumour syndromes
- Housing and curating the most comprehensive database of DNA variants that contribute to gastrointestinal cancer
- Supported by a committee of world leading experts, systematically assigning pathogenicity to variants in the genes predisposing to gastrointestinal cancer
- Encouraging research into all aspects of gastrointestinal hereditary tumour syndromes
- Providing a forum for the presentation of data, discussion of controversial areas involved in the care of patients and their families, and facilitation of collaborative studies
- Assisting institutions and individuals interested in beginning or maintaining a registry for families with gastrointestinal hereditary tumour syndromes
Past Congress
Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 2015
Florence, Italy, July 2017
Auckland, New Zealand 2019
Jersey City, USA 2022
Barcelona, July 2024
Countdown to InSIGHT 2026
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